Fri, 25 August 2017
In the wake of Charlottesville, all pretense of liberalism is fading as the Left works to censor the speech of those with whom they disagree. Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey discuss the wave of "deplatforming," the Boston free speech rally, the Trump rally in Arizona. They cover the anti-white hysteria that resulted from an ACLU tweet, and also from white girls wandering onto Howard University's campus in MAGA hats. Finally, they introduce Jared Taylor's new compendium If We Do Nothing. |
Fri, 18 August 2017
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey discuss the fallout from Charlottesville: defacement and removal of monuments, “deplatforming” of dissident websites, the Trump controversy, justifications for anti-“racist” violence—all in the context of the increasingly hysterical attempt to shut off all white advocacy. Our opponents are desperately trying to silence ideas they cannot refute. |
Mon, 14 August 2017
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and Paul Kersey team up again to discuss an astonishing week in which Google fired an employee who complained that the company was an ideological echo chamber, Charlottesville had to be forced by a judge to let whites hold a rally, and the assault on Southern heritage grew even more intense. |
Mon, 7 August 2017
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and Paul Kersey of Stuff Black People Don't Like team up again to discuss the past week: the latest AmRen conference, media insanity over prospects for real immigration reform, the NAACP's hilarious "travel advisory" on the state of Missouri, and much more. |