Radio Renaissance

Jared Taylor and PK shake their heads over the what happened to 19-year-old Marlen—and at what her father said afterwards. They also talk about the latest MLK revelations, a new study of white privilege, the truth about serial killers, how much refugees cost us, why the British Army doesn’t like patriots, and how New York City’s new school superintendent has turned schools into reeducation camps.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_5-30-2019.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:22pm EDT

Jared Taylor and PK have a laugh over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s complaint that urban gardening has been “colonized” by the cauliflower when the “people” want to grow yucca instead. The hosts also discuss how $150 billion left the country, the wisdom of Ben Carson, Nazi runes, what Soros hath wrought, why it’s not OK to be white in New Zealand, and why a Dutch minister had to resign.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_5-23-2019.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:17pm EDT

Jared Taylor and PK laugh at the latest jab at “white women.” They also discuss the sad sagas of Lars Sullivan and Natasha Tynes, the state of emergency in Deming, shocking frankness about race the New York Times, the latest “sanctuary” outrage, and good news from Europe.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_5-15-2019.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:37pm EDT

The hosts note that fanatics have forced MasterCard to let its shareholders vote on a plan to make sure the company won’t do business with the likes of us. They also discuss the latest phony "racism" panic, Bernie on felon voting, social media censorship and efforts to stop it, good news on asylum and "public charge" deportations, the "Chocolate City" fracas, and black is officially beautiful.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_5-8-2019.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:46pm EDT

Jared Taylor and PK congratulate Congresswoman Ilhan Omar on making her position clear. They also discuss other notable Somalis—ex-cop Mohamed Noor and burkini-sporting Halima Aden—and the sad record Somalis have left in Switzerland. Taylor and PK then talk about Judge Richard Moore’s good decision, Judge Shelley Joseph’s bad decision, Bill Cosby’s latest ravings, and what Carlos Zuniga-Aviles did to a four month old.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_5-1-2019.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:43pm EDT