Radio Renaissance

Jared Taylor talks to three Irish nationalists about the origins of mass immigration, the politicians who permit it, rising anger against it, and prospects for the future.

Thumbnail credit: © Niall Carson/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

Direct download: Taylor_Irish_Comrades_2-27-2023.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 7:10pm EDT

Jared Taylor and his co-host cannot share the jubilation of February 23, but they do discuss Tyre Nichols, Lady Susan Hussey, a civil-rights breakthrough in Seattle, our idiot President, and surprisingly good news from Rasmussen.

Thumbnail credit: © Stephen B. Morton/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution via ZUMA Press Wire

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_2-23-2023.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:47pm EDT

Jared Taylor and his co-host get a laugh out of the latest list of slurs for white people. They also discuss Judson Blevins, Melina Abdullah, the Superbowl, and how TiO2 spread white supremacy around the globe.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_2-15-2023.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:25pm EDT

Jared Taylor and his co-host wonder how New York will survive as the black population plummets. They also discuss ChatGPT, life expectancy in New Orleans, “The Proud Family,” and what’s wrong with the Mexico City subway.

Thumbnail credit: Sam valadi via Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_2-8-2023.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 7:11pm EDT

Jared Taylor and his co-host marvel at what appears to be the incredible negligence that led to Abigail Zwerner’s shooting. They also discuss billions for BLM, Stephen Curry, Shahin Darvish-Narenjbon, and ‘menopause for women of color.’

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_2-1-2023.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:08pm EDT