Wed, 30 December 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance again interviews Atlanta lawyer Sam Dickson. They discuss the both encouraging and discouraging results of the annual Gallup poll of the men and women Americans admire. Mr. Dickson then fills the hour with brilliant insights on the myriad ways in which "liberalism" has turned its back on its traditional values. |
Fri, 25 December 2020
Jared Taylor interviews long-time friend of American Renaissance Sam Dickson, who argues that white Americans are acquiring "herd immunity" against media propaganda. In a wide-ranging conversation, Dickson lays bare the corruption and venality of a system to which he says we no longer owe the slightest loyalty.
Direct download: Taylor_Dickson_12-25-2020_New.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 6:19pm EDT |
Thu, 17 December 2020
Jared Taylor notes that with so much money in the bank, BLM now rivals the Ford Foundation ($12.5 billion). Where will all that money go? He also discusses Akon City with its currency called Akoin, “handgames to uplift joy and resiliency,” how a black nurse became "what heroes look like,” the incomparable Kizzmekia Corbett, and why the RAF had to cough up the truth about race. |
Thu, 10 December 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey note that it took 60 security guards to control the admiring crowds at the burial for the man who decapitated French school teacher Samuel Paty. Taylor and Kersey also discuss Charles Blow, George Gascon, Cornell University, birth tourism, and why so many Mexican Covid cases are crossing the border into El Paso. |
Wed, 2 December 2020
Paul Kersey shocks Jared Taylor with the news that St. Louis, Missouri has had more murders than deaths from Covid. Taylor and Kersey also discuss “McNamara’s Morons,” the Abundant Birth Project, Target targeting blacks, NASDAQ on the rampage, where car jackings are up 500 percent, and why Diane Feinstein and Sir Thomas Picton have both got to go. |
Thu, 26 November 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey wish listeners a blessed Thanksgiving. They also discuss the Biden tsunami, the BREATHE Act, 40 acres and a John Deere, tears at Penguin Random House, Hamza Nagdy’s tragic end, and what has taken the place of “the knockout game.” |
Thu, 19 November 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey note worrying calls for even more internet censorship, as high-ranking Democrats call for a “reinterpretation of the First Amendment.” Taylor and Kersey also discuss Megyn Kelly, hate crimes, the 1,000 BC Project, the Hippocratic Oath, and Raphael Gamaliel. |
Wed, 11 November 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey marvel at how blacks will welcome Kamala Harris. They also discuss new posthumous honors for Travon Martin, good sense in Sweden, racial preferences for a Covid vaccine, the decolonization of art, and more mush from Ibram Kendi. |
Fri, 6 November 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and PK analyze the unexpected results and the surprising racial vote patterns in this election and what it all means for Trumpism, tech censorship, the Republicans, and the country. Taylor and Kersey also discuss important ballot initiatives, the violence that did – and didn’t – happen, layoffs at ESPN, what happens when academics admit they’re racists, and the terror attack in Vienna. |
Thu, 5 November 2020
More Muslims live in France than in any other European country, and more Frenchmen die in the name of The Prophet. Who dares say that Islam and the West are incompatible? Jared Taylor of American Renaissance interviews two European experts: Guillaume Durocher and Daniel Conversano.
Direct download: Durocher_Conversano_11-5-2020.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:12pm EDT |
Wed, 28 October 2020
Jared Taylor and PK laugh at a headline about “ATM explosions” as Philadelphia suffers its second night of rioting. They also discuss San Francisco’s coming “drug desert,” why the Manchester Arena bomb went off, the sad death of Christine Summers, why hating white people isn’t hate, free money in Compton, and why we’ll need soldiers in the streets on Election Day. |
Thu, 22 October 2020
In the March 2021 elections, Identiteit Nederland will present candidates for the first time. Party leader Géza Hegedűs explains IDNL's platform and outlines his vision for Holland and Europe. |
Thu, 15 October 2020
Jared Taylor and PK marvel at the “youths” who stole $50,000 in down jackets and drove off in a Jaguar and an Audi. Taylor and PK also discuss Jussie Smollett, Georgia Meloni, Noor bin Ladin, Amy Barrett, Barbie, and Lauren Witzke. |
Wed, 7 October 2020
Jared Taylor and PK laugh at words like Hxrstory, Cisheteropatriarchy, and Nepantlas that fanatics wanted to include in California’s high school ethnic-studies curriculum. Taylor and PK also discuss "get woke, go broke," the declining "migrant acceptance index," Microsoft’s brush with the law, and why hedge funds are so shamelessly undiverse. |
Wed, 30 September 2020
Jared Taylor and PK discuss the newly released murder statistics for 2019: Blacks are 13 percent of the population but 56 percent of known murderers. Mass shootings are up 45 percent this year, and the reasons lefties give for why make Taylor and PK laugh. They also discuss Christian Dunbar, Sir Maejor Page, Piedmont School District, and hate crimes at Ohio State.
Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_9-30-2020.Taylor_Kersey_9-30-2020.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:26pm EDT |
Wed, 23 September 2020
Jared Taylor and PK marvel at the Biden immigration plan that could bring in 52 million people — a small step towards the one billion Americans some Dems want. Taylor and PK also discuss Tyron Woodley, how Bloomberg buys votes, billions for blacks, BLM ignoramuses, and white ladies who want to be black. |
Wed, 16 September 2020
Jared Taylor and PK roll their eyes at a help-wanted ad that was rejected because a hair salon wanted to hire a “happy” hairdresser. They also discuss Naomi Osaka, Breonna Taylor, Covid in children, creepy Joe Biden, how English rationalizes the sin of “extraction,” and why a museum can no longer display shrunken heads. |
Fri, 11 September 2020
Jared Taylor explains to a skeptical co-host why Jessica Krug, who pretended to be black, deserves our praise. The hosts also discuss building Wakanda, new standards for Oscars, race war a-brewing, and the NFL. |
Tue, 8 September 2020
Jared Taylor celebrates the 200th episode of Radio Renaissance by interviewing Gregory Hood, staff writer for American Renaissance and one of the most impassioned, incisive, and erudite writers of our time. Don’t miss the wide-ranging conversation that ranges from the Beltway to the Taiwan Strait, from Critical Race Theory to the French Revolution. |
Thu, 3 September 2020
Jared Taylor and PK marvel at our national broadcaster's support for an author who promotes looting because it "attacks the history of whiteness and white supremacy." Taylor and PK also discuss the Portland killing, mob violence and cultural revolution in DC, new laws in New Jersey and California, and they warn listeners: watch out for a guy in a green and blue shirt. |
Wed, 26 August 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and his co-host analyze the deadly Tuesday-night shootings in Kenosha and predict more and worse incidents to come. They also discuss BLM's wake-up call for white people, Sabrina Belcher's creative campaigning, lunatic crime policies in Chicago, and the stars of the Republican National Convention. |
Thu, 20 August 2020
Jared Taylor and his co-host are delighted to learn that the Siamese Twins Galaxy and the Eskimo Nebula will get new, BLM-sensitive names. The hosts also discuss the Democrat and Republican National Conventions, Laura Loomer’s victory, Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, BLM in 90-percent-white Boise, the Tunisian invasion of Italy, and what happened to Aaliyah Norris. |
Fri, 14 August 2020
Jared Taylor and his co-host discuss what Kamala Harris means for us. They also cover Sunday’s back-to-school frolic in Chicago, Facebook’s prodigies of censorship, curing birds of racism, why 2+2=4 is white supremacy, and what Kum-Kum Bhavnani thinks of the SAT. |
Thu, 6 August 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and his co-host report that Illinois blacks want history courses banned until an anti-racist curriculum is developed. Also on the podcast: Oprah’s wisdom, why Beethoven was not a genius, unsolicited Bing searches, and “queer” advice for Joe Biden. |
Fri, 31 July 2020
Jared Taylor and his co-host discuss a study of the rise in murders since the George Floyd riots. Sharp cuts in stop-and-frisk have meant more murders — up by a record 380 percent in Portland, the city that never sleeps. Some officers wonder if they should just walk off the job and “let the city burn.” Taylor also discusses good news from Nevada and from Trader Joe’s, John Muir’s legacy, Fr. Maloney’s sin, and what’s wrong with (Once) Great Britain. |
Thu, 23 July 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance notes that if Seattle — as proposed — defunds the police and fires hundreds of officers, layoffs will start with recently hired minorities. Solution? Fire whites only. Taylor also discusses idiocy in Portland, lousy marksmanship in Chicago, “racism” where you least expect it, and why there must be no more “blind auditions” at orchestras. |
Fri, 17 July 2020
Jared Taylor marvels at the fashion for Fortune 500 "Chief Diversity Officers," who enjoy a median total compensation of $600,000. And yet, Taylor notes, the entire country is so busy "canceling" white people that these positions hardly seem necessary. |
Thu, 9 July 2020
Jared Taylor concludes that “invisible work” is the special benefits blacks confer simply by being black – but it’s hard labor and deserves pay. Taylor also discusses happy cases of comeuppance, sad tales of treachery, increasing black violence, a recently discovered new form of slavery, and why the slogan “Work Hard, Be Nice” has got to go. |
Thu, 2 July 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance on what a difference a backbone makes. He also talks about Mt. Rushmore, Lincoln, Kit Carson, Paul Krugman, Karen Attiah, double standards in Black and white, and why the New York Times needs a new name. |
Thu, 25 June 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey shake their heads over a 27-year-old black man who will not cooperate with the police even to find the killer of his own 3-year-old son. Taylor and Kersey also discuss the crime wave hitting American cities, statues coming down all around the world, and other consequences of the George Floyd riots. |
Thu, 18 June 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey analyze the Supreme Court ruling that sent the minority leader into a state of ecstasy. They also discuss the continuing reverberations of the death of George Floyd. |
Fri, 12 June 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and Paul Kersey discuss the momentous implications of the most important week for American race relations in the past half century. |
Fri, 5 June 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey discuss the causes and consequences of the greatest wave of civil disturbances since the 1960s. |
Fri, 29 May 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey discuss at some length the riots, looting, and arson that followed the death of a black man in police custody. They also talk about the specialized crime wave in New York City, Memorial Day in Chicago, SBA racism, street drag racing in Atlanta, and the Times Memorial Day attack on the US military. |
Fri, 22 May 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey report on Larry Sanger’s regrets that the site he founded has abandoned neutrality. Taylor and Kersey also discuss the Covid handout sweepstakes, the homeless in San Fran, the Katie Hill legacy, Prof. Elizabeth Bartholet, the remarkable Kenya Alexander, what happened to Rosalie Cook, and the call to prayer in Amsterdam. |
Thu, 14 May 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey marvel at the number of Americans who think “hate speech is an act of violence:” 75 percent of blacks, 72 percent of whites, and 46 percent of whites. They also discuss the Arbery killing, armed patrols, social distancing arrests, Black Mama Bailout, and the sad story of Jean Dussine. |
Wed, 6 May 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey discuss the new “belonging” campaign at the Boston Museum of Fine Art, Joe Biden’s outreach campaigns, crime in Philly and NYC, Muhammad Masood, “Lady Al-Qaeda,” the Harvey Milk Club, Twitter’s motherly reminders, who got a Pulitzer, and good news from Denmark. |
Fri, 1 May 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey applaud as New York City cuts fire, police, sanitation, and education in order to beef up more important city services. They also discuss Brittney Cooper, Marcia Fudge, Kori Muhammad, Kamlesh Khunti, why homeschooling has got to go, #LibDemIftar, and who’s got the “awesomeness factor.” |
Fri, 24 April 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey look at the latest Trump plan that appears to be DOA. They also discuss Kizzmekia Corbett, Rocky Music, Al Sharpton, Heather Mac Donald, hot times in France, strange times in Lesotho, and which black woman should be Joe Biden’s pick for VP. |
Fri, 17 April 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey discuss the continuing antics of the coronavirus, as it highlights the exciting diversity of our nation and the world. They also discuss shoes to die for, Chauncy Devega, Jeff Sessions, and Denmark’s cozy new government department. Jared Taylor refuses to reveal the identity of the podcast’s mystery guest. |
Fri, 10 April 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey marvel at the fashion in fretting over black victims of the coronavirus – even though whites appear to be suffering more than Asians or Hispanics. Taylor and Kersey also discuss plans for illegals to get bailout lolly, the heartbreaking story of Dr. Beth Potter, how New Zealand is crushing the virus and Ivory Coast isn’t, why blacks better not wear gloves in public, Swedish silliness, and why the Border Patrol now has only 100 people (!) in custody. |
Fri, 3 April 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey celebrate the ruling class’s late-in-life understanding of nationalism. They also discuss Seattle police priorities, coronavirus nose-counting in Maryland, Mexicans who want to keep us out, who might riot in France, why illegals do or don’t deserve a check, the wisdom of Judge Lina, where the Gucci stores are boarded up, and why Tedros Adhanom is feeling unloved. |
Fri, 27 March 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey marvel at Gov. Cuomo's candid explanation for why his state has half the country's COVID-19 cases. They also discuss "coughing while Asian," how Iran got the virus, protecting Brazil's slums, bad luck for Michael McCauley, and what is tucked into that $2 trillion bailout bill. |
Thu, 19 March 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey note that jailbirds are being released all over the country for fear they might catch the virus in the pen. Taylor and Kersey also discuss Europe's sudden ability to close borders, how Pittsburgh will cure racism, bad marksmanship in Baltimore, and the Hindu cure for the Chinese virus. |
Thu, 12 March 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey goggle at the foolishness that makes it into mainstream newspapers. They also discuss how (not) to talk about the coronavirus, CALEXIT, ICEcapades, wise Greeks and idiot Germans, treachery in Virginia, and whether they will ever again have to talk about Elizabeth Warren. |
Wed, 4 March 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey report on Greece’s firm response to the huge wave of “migrants” Turkey just sent across the border. Taylor and Kersey also discuss stiff backbones in Hungary and Norway, rubber backbones in Virginia and Minnesota, the latest hate hoax, and just how many illegals there are in the country. Thumbnail: (Credit Image: © Dha/Abaca via ZUMA Press) |
Fri, 28 February 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey introduce the new DOJ section that will strip people of citizenship if they lied to get it. Taylor and Kersey also discuss Maxine Waters, the heroic Heather Mac Donald, the dilemma of DNA testing, what Hispanics think about guns, and Deontay Wilder’s hilarious excuse for losing the heavyweight title to a white guy. |
Thu, 20 February 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey admire the self-possession of Chares Barry, who says of his 139th arrest, “Bail reform; it’s lit!” Taylor and Kersey also discuss who was banned by the Trump travel ban, Stacey Abrams for veep, how to get to the roots of racism, how to study Classics without Homer, and who went from war-torn Syria to war-torn Baltimore. |
Thu, 13 February 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey explain how a model lost her shot at a Cosmopolitan cover because white lives matter. They also discuss Bernie, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, di Blasio, police antics in Philadelphia and Minneapolis, sanctuary cities, “white supremacist” propaganda, and the Baltimore Cease Fire. They also welcome Jussie Smollett back into the news. |
Fri, 7 February 2020
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey explain why Mayor Pete is so hopelessly wrong. They also discuss cannabis reparations gone wrong, Montana gone wrong, architecture gone wrong, BAFTA gone wrong, white literature in black face, and what “shuhada" get when they go to '"jannah." |
Thu, 30 January 2020
Jared Taylor and PK note that Goldman Sachs will not take a company public if it has only white men on its board. California already requires women on boards, and a “diversity” bill has cleared the House in Washington. Taylor and PK also discuss the crime boom in New York City, denaming Boalt Hall, whether racism is worse than the coronavirus, how to get blacks to vote Trump, and the continuing adventures of Richard Carranza. |
Thu, 23 January 2020
Jared Taylor and PK look into the theories of Donald Moss, PhD, who will give a talk, “On Having Whiteness,” on Feb. 7 in New York City. Taylor and PK also discuss Joel Davis’s sad end, murder in Mexico, insanity in Iowa, Bloomberg baloney, Ugandan Indians, feckless Puerto Ricans, Broadway madness, and the editorial writer who thinks white people at gun rallies are domestic terrorists. |
Thu, 16 January 2020
Jared Taylor and PK marvel at New York City “justice” — police released a four-time bank robber who robbed another bank the very next day. Taylor and Kersey also discuss the horrible fate of Maria Fuertes, sanity from a famous author, the latest on AOC and Letitia James, fun times at the New Life Impact Church, U visas, and CNN’s non-definition of racism. |
Wed, 8 January 2020
Jared Taylor and PK introduce Michael Coard who says, “White men, generally, historically and presently speaking, have been toxic.” Taylor and PK also discuss anchor babies, refugees, crime in Atlanta and New York, why the NFL is “embarrassing,” foolishness from Mayors De Blasio and Bloomberg, sex grooming in Britain, wisdom in Oklahoma, and the astonishing number of people gone missing in Mexico. |
Thu, 2 January 2020
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and PK lament a misunderstanding among Hmong that left four dead and 12 wounded in Fresno. They also discuss why “Happy new year” is as bad as “merry Christmas,” how Ezra Klein stupidly celebrated the new year, a sensible black man’s view of white privilege, and teachers too white, romance too white, marijuana too white, and Badgers too white. |