Radio Renaissance

A listener tells Jared Taylor and his co-host that yoga is European and was culturally appropriated by Indians. The hosts also discuss how little Hispanics like Biden, efforts to stop crime (and not to stop crime), and the news that POTUS suffers from “white supremacy urgency.”

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_7-27-2022.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:27pm EDT

Jared Taylor and his co-host rejoice that a federal judge has ordered discovery in a suit on internet censorship. They also discuss a new study on whiteness and maleness, stirrings at Starbucks, non-binary Neanderthals, and the fat black lady who plays Richard III.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_7-20-2022.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:35pm EDT

Jared Taylor and his co-host quote a Dominican immigrant who glories in the Great Replacement. They also discuss “scromiting,” racial equity audits, youthful indiscretions, and wonder why swimming lessons can’t be reparations for slavery.

Thumbnail credit: Timothy Titus, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_7-14-2022.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:16pm EDT

Jared Taylor and his co-host note that California will be the first state to give food stamps to illegals. The hosts also discuss Friends, puppy yoga, craven conservatives, unfair targeting, and the bad news for Pamela Moses.

Direct download: Taylor_Kersey_7-6-2022.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:09am EDT